第88回アカデミー賞にて、作品賞と脚本賞の受賞を果たした名作映画「スポットライト 世紀のスクープ」を見放題・レンタルで視聴できる動画配信サービス(VOD)、映画の予告編、あらすじ、キャスト、関連映画記事をご覧いただけます。
暗闇にひときわ輝く、希望の光- 2002年1月、米国の新聞『ボストン・グローブ』が、カトリック教会の信じがたい実態を報じた。
スポットライト 世紀のスクープ / 英語の名言・名セリフ10選
スポットライト 世紀のスクープ / 名言・名セリフ①「Sometimes it's easy to forget that we spend most of our time stumbling around in the dark.」
Sometimes it's easy to forget that we spend most of our time stumbling around in the dark.
スポットライト 世紀のスクープ / 名言・名セリフ②「They knew and they let it happen! It could have been you, it could have been me, it could have been any of us.」
They knew and they let it happen! It could have been you, it could have been me, it could have been any of us.
スポットライト 世紀のスクープ / 名言・名セリフ③「If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to abuse one.」
If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to abuse one.
スポットライト 世紀のスクープ / 名言・名セリフ④「Sometimes it's important to just keep going, no matter how impossible it seems.」
Sometimes it's important to just keep going, no matter how impossible it seems.
スポットライト 世紀のスクープ / 名言・名セリフ⑤「This is how it happens. Someone whispers in your ear, and the whole world listens.」
This is how it happens. Someone whispers in your ear, and the whole world listens.
スポットライト 世紀のスクープ / 名言・名セリフ⑥「We've got two stories here: a story about degenerate clergy, and a story about a bunch of lawyers turning child abuse into a cottage industry.」
We've got two stories here: a story about degenerate clergy, and a story about a bunch of lawyers turning child abuse into a cottage industry.
スポットライト 世紀のスクープ / 名言・名セリフ⑦「Sometimes it's easy to lose sight of why we do this. Why we do journalism.」
Sometimes it's easy to lose sight of why we do this. Why we do journalism.
スポットライト 世紀のスクープ / 名言・名セリフ⑧「I think the bigger story is how this was allowed to happen for so long.」
I think the bigger story is how this was allowed to happen for so long.
スポットライト 世紀のスクープ / 名言・名セリフ⑨「Sometimes it's important to revisit where we started.」
Sometimes it's important to revisit where we started.
スポットライト 世紀のスクープ / 名言・名セリフ⑩「The church thinks in centuries. We think in deadlines.」
The church thinks in centuries. We think in deadlines.
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